* designates Great Plains Theatre Conference script
Oct. 1993 - V of Geese by Scott Working
Dec. 1993 - All Men are Whores: an Evening with David Mamet
Mar. 1994 - We, God by Rick Zaparowski
The Smokers by Mark Olson
April -1994 - 3000 Stitches by Scott Working
May 1994 - Eclectic Action: an Evening of One-Acts
August by Thom Davis
Revenge of the Cleaning Lady by Miah Sommer
The Middlemen by James Devney
Sept. 1994 - Touchback by Rob Baker
Oct. 1994 - What’s One Night? by Scott Working
Napkins, Coasters, and Matchbooks by Tim Hinsley
Dec. 1994 -Stocking Stuffers
Feb. 1995- The Great Plot Famine of 1994 by Miah Sommer
Not All There by Tim Eiben
April 1995 - The Loafers by Tim Hinsley
Salt by Tim Hinsley
July 1995 - At Breakneck Speed by Rob Baker
Sept. 1994 - Condo in Vegas by Jennifer Camp
Angel Food by Joe Knouse
Oct. 1995 - Hostages by Tim Eiben
Dec. 1995- Stocking Stuffers II
Jan. 1996 - The Dentist by Bill Hoover
Stand Up Guy by Miah Sommer
Mar. 1996- 3 Lefts by Tim Hinsley
Apr. 1996 - A Little Green by Scott Working
June 1996- Hell by Tim Eiben
Aug. 1996 - A Day In the Life of Raymond Nothing by Miah Sommer
Oct. 1996 - Shelterskelter
Dec. 1996 - Stocking Stuffers The Third
Feb. 1997 - Clean by Tim Hinsley
Apr. 1997- Glen or Glenda: Live In Color by Tim Eiben
May 1997 - Into Temptation by Tim Eiben
July 1997 - The Making of “Love in a Vacuum” by Scott Working
Sept. 1997 - A Night of Three Tasty One-Acts
Love in a Vacuum by Scott Working
Dinner Rush by Tim Eiben
White Wine, Red Roses by Rob Baker
Oct. 1997 - Shelterskelter II
Dec. 1997 - Orbital Mind Control Christmas by Tim Eiben
March 1998 - An Irish Wake by Joe Hoover
April 1998 - Three Shows, Eight Bucks
The Samsas by Scott Working
Shelter by Joe Hoover
Don We Now Our Gay Apparel by Joe Hoover
May 1998 - The Road To Ensenada by Rob Baker
June 1998 - Behind the Vinyl Siding of Her Heart by Jodie Louise Kolie
July 1998 - Alias by Scott Working
August 1998 - Departures
Murmurs of California by Bob Vivian
Losers of the Big Picture by Bob Vivian
Oct. 1998 - Shelterskelter III
Dec. 1998 - Holiday Dining
Brave Young Savages by Rob Baker
Neon by Mark Pracht
Sunset by Margy Schneider
We Don’t Serve Mexicans by Dr. David A. Lopez
Aug 1999 - Three To Beam Up by Don Nguyen
Oct. 1999 - Shelterskelter IV
Dec. 1999 - Stocking Stuffers 4
Apr. 2000 - Cyber by Don Sanders
June 2000 - Spider by Simon Rolfe
Oct. 2000 - Shelterskelter V
Dec. 2000 - Stocking Stuffers 5
April 2001 - Three Guys Naked From The Waist Down
by Jerry Colker and Michael Rupert
Aug. 2001 - Precious Few by Terry Sneed
Oct. 2001 - Shelterskelter VI
Feb. 2002 - From Shelterbelt With Love
April 2002 - Love is Strange by Daena Schweiger
Aug. 2002 - The Marriage of Bette and Boo by Christopher Durang
Oct. 2002 - Shelterskelter VII
Feb. 2003 - From Shelterbelt With Love 2
Spooge: The Love and Sex Diaries
Apr. 2003 - Ping Pong Diplomacy by Joe Basque
July 2003 - The Who's Tommy
Oct. 2003 - Shelterskelter VIII
Dec. 2003 - Christmas With The Crawfords,
a SNAP!/Shelterbelt co-production
Feb. 2004 - From Shelterbelt With Love 3
Apr. 2004 - Marlin Perkins Under Glass by Tim Kaldahl
July 2004 - The Last Five Years by Jason Robert Brown
Oct. 2004 - Shelterskelter IX
Dec. 2004 - Christmas With The Crawfords,
a SNAP!/Shelterbelt co-production
Feb. 2005 - From Shelterbelt With Love 4
Apr. 2005 - Temporary Help by David G. Wiltse
July 2005 - John and Jen
Aug. 2005 - True West, with B-Rated Theatre
Oct. 2005 - Shelterskelter X
Dec. 2005 - Christmas With The Crawfords,
a SNAP!/Shelterbelt co-production
Feb. 2006 - From Shelterbelt With Love 5
Apr. 2006 - Defending Marriage by Joe Basque *
July 2006 - Eating Raoul by Paul Bartel, Jed Feuer, Boyd Graham
July 2006 - Instant Theatre 1
Oct. 2006 - Shelterskelter XI
Dec. 2006 - Christmas With The Crawfords,
a SNAP!/Shelterbelt co-production
Feb. 2007 - From Shelterbelt With Love 6
Apr. 2007 - Friends Like These by Scott Blankenship
July 2007 - The Day Omaha Exploded by Nick Zadina *
Oct. 2007 - Shelterskelter XII
Dec. 2007 - Christmas With The Crawfords,
a SNAP!/Shelterbelt co-production
Feb. 2008 - From Shelterbelt With Love 7
Apr. 2008 - Acrobat by Eric Salonis, with Reannin Theatre Group
July 2008 - Summer Stock
July 2008 - Instant Theatre 2
Oct. 2008 - Shelterskelter 13
Feb. 2009 - From Shelterbelt With Love 8
Apr. 2009 - Fat Girlfriend: The Musical by Amanda Miller
July 2009 - Mountain Lion by Ellen Struve *
Mrs. Jennings Sitter by Ellen Struve *
July 2009 - The Wind Cries Verona by Jay Huse
Oct. 2009 - Shelterskelter 14
Feb. 2010 - From Shelterbelt With Love 9 with After-Hours
April 2010 - Warpaint by Michael Oatman and Benjamin Graber *
July 2010 - Mountain Birds by Madeline Radcliff *
July 2010 - Instant Theatre 3
Oct. 2010 - Shelterskelter 15
Feb. 2011 - From Shelterbelt With Love 10
April 2011- My Occasion of Sin by Monica Bauer *
Nobody Gets Paid by Ellen Struve
July 2011 - Plans to Form a Human Chain Faltered and
The Unexpected by Shayne M. Kennedy
Oct. 2011 - Shelterskelter 16
Jan. 2012 - The New Colony’s 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche
by Evan Linder and Andrew Hobgood
Feb. 2012 - From Shelterbelt With Love 11
Apr. 2012 - Intelligentsia by Aaron Zavitz *
July 2012 - Crash!Boom!Pow! by Ben Beck and Molly Welsh *
Aug. 2012 - Instant Theatre Bootcamp (Instant Theatre 4)
Oct. 2012 - Shelterskelter 17
Feb. 2013 - From Shelterbelt With Love 12
Apr. 2013 - Psycho Ex Girlfriend by Beaufield Berry
July 2013 - V of Geese by Scott Working (20th anniversary remount)
Aug. 2013 - Instant Theatre Bootcamp (Instant Theatre 5)
Oct. 2013 - Shelterskelter 18
Feb. 2014 - From Shelterbelt With Love 13
Apr. 2014 - The Battle of Battles by Joesph Basque
July - 2014 - Abby in the Summer by A. P. Andrews
Aug. 2013 - Instant Theatre Bootcamp (Instant Theatre 6)
Oct. 2014 - Mickey & Sage by Sara Farrington *
Jan. 2015 - The Other Sewing Circle by Marie Amthor
April 2015 - In the Jungle You Must Wait by Jeremy Johnson
July 2015 - Thank You For Being a Friend (The Unauthorized
Golden Girls Musical) by Nick Brennan and Luke Jones
Oct. 2015 - The Singularity by Crystal Jackson *
Jan. 2016 - Untitled Series #7 by Ellen Struve
April 2016 - The Feast by Celine Song *
July 2016 - Shattering the Glass: A Celebration of Omaha Women in Theatre
Oct. 2016 - Revelation by Samuel Brett Williams
Jan. 2017- The Motherhood Almanac by Noah Diaz
April 2017 - Catherland book/lyrics by Becky Boesen,
music by David von Kampen
July 2017 - Neighbors, Lovers and All the Others by Marie Amthor Schuett
Oct. 2017 - Ressurection: The Best of ShelterSkelter
Jan. 2018 - Across Rhodes by Amy Elizabeth Schweid
April 2018 - Three to Beam Up by Don Nguyen
July 2018 - The Dairy Maid-Right by Ellen Struve